Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Ever feel like the world is against you?

Blame it on PMS, blame it on food withdrawals, blame it on shorter days. Whatever it is, it's making me quite sensitive.
I know there's nothing I can do about other people's actions, except control my reaction, and it's never something I should take personally, but lately I've been doing both.

I'm new to self employment, my business is barely a year old. From the get go people were critical and negative, or at least that's all I remembered. What I should remember are those that supported me and still do.

On good days, the positive thoughts crowd me head, but on "sensitive" days, like today, I struggle to understand why some people try to tear you down.

Am I overreacting because a friend (or so I thought) never shares my business page but shares other business of the same nature? Is it a competition to her? Does she not want me to succeed?

Am I overreacting when a neighbor has stopped inviting us to her monthly get together? Did I do something wrong? More importantly, why do I care and let it bother me so much??

Are all these emotions affecting me more now because my clutch, which is food of course, is gone?

What I should be doing is thinking of those who've been supporting me, and support those who want to help others succeed. Forget the rest, my energy shouldn't be exhausted over negativity!

Onto food related topics, I did cheat a little today. I did exceed my 1200 calories, but I also walked 5k. Plus I really wanted to taste red meat before starting the shakes on Friday :)

Tomorrow is another day.  Stay positive, listen to positive, a push negative away.

Now go be awesome!

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