Sunday, September 7, 2014

1200 calories.... Harder than I thought.

I've succeeded today, in keeping within my 1200 calorie limit, and man was it hard. This makes me a little worried, knowing that I'm  reducing it to 900 in a few weeks. I'm really hoping my body adjusts because the hunger pains I suffered through today wasn't fun!

For breakfast, I switched to egg whites, and lost the cheese in my omelette.

Lunch was leftover chicken and quinoa.

My afternoon snack included a coffee, a danette chocolate pudding and a few raw almonds.

Supper was half a plate of green, consisting of steamed broccoli and beet greens. A 1/4 cup sweet potato and 4 oz of boneless skinless chicken thigh.

Let's hope I make it through the night without a midnight raiding of the fridge!

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