Friday, September 12, 2014

It's true, I'm not alone!

Last night was our second week in the program. We got to know each other much better and had a chance to share stories. It makes the journey a lot easier when you have so many people around you who are going through the same thing. They've all got the same story, too many yo-yo diets and quick fixes. We're all in it and for the next year, that's 365 days together...following strict diets and helping each other through the process. 

My 1200 calories a day has arrived! I was doing pretty good last week, I was able to keep my meals under 1200, but the 2 cream - 2 sugar coffees I was enjoying were adding up. That all ends today.

I didn't get the results I was hoping last night, only down 1.5lbs, but I won't dwell as it doesn't help at all. Today I keep on trying, that's all I can do!
I walked every day last week and plan on doing the same this week and every other week this year. I find getting out for a walk helps on so many levels. There's the obvious physical benefits, but there's so much. The quiet and calmness of being on a nice wooded trail, listening to nature. I some how manage to rid my busy brain and take it all in. It doesn't matter that I walk the same trail every day, go over the same bridge, pass the same house. Everyday is just as beautiful, not matter what the weather. Passing people on the trail and having a little chat, it just brightens my day! I feel more active the remainder of the day and a walk always helps me sleep better. These are all the things I run through my mind when I'm sitting on that couch procrastinating!

This program is just the beginning of a journey that I'm planning to continue for the rest of my life. Eating healthy is not to loss weight it's to maintain weight and stay healthy. This is the way it's going to be from now on. I won't always be on a 1200 calorie diet, but my food choices won't change, what I learn over the next year, like portion control, choosing the right foods, getting enough water etc,..that will remain FOREVER.

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