Thursday, September 18, 2014

Week two ended on a great note!

Where do I start? I'm feeling great! This past week has had many challenges, but with it came amazing rewards. My blood pressure is down and at a great number, 120/72! 

I was a little nervous about stepping on the scales. Not because I didn't follow the meal plan, and not because I didn't exercise. I was afraid that there wouldn't be a change, and even though it shouldn't matter, it matters to me. I get quite defeated when I don't see the scales move and it's usually and excuse to say "the hell with it, not like it matters what I eat". Well it does matter and not seeing the scale change is much better than watching it go up. 

7lbs is a lot for one week, but cutting myself to a 1200-1400 calorie/day meal plan was quite a shock to the system, and I did expect a decent loss considering the amount of walking and activity I do in a day. This week my body will be more adjusted and comfortable with the limited calorie intake and my expectations on weight loss won't be so high. 

At 268lbs, I'm 8lbs from the number that I stall on, 260....for some reason I get to this point and fall off the wagon. I'm eager to get past this number so I won't have to revisit it ever again!

The group meetings are quite a help with motivation, everyone's dealing with the restricted diet in different ways, and it helps knowing that there's many different struggles when trying to attain the same goal. Some people had trouble staying under 1200 while others didn't. I had trouble with grains, and others had trouble getting enough meats. It's a learning experience, and I'm glad I have the support from a great group of individuals.

Cheers to this week, and bring on the next one!

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