Thursday, October 30, 2014

I cheated

I've dropped the ball lately, probably because I didn't want to fess up to last weekends events.

Yes, I cheated....I had a lot of bad food eats and wine...the wonderful red, full bodied goodness, which comes with 140 calories per glass. I was well over the 900 calories optifast allows. It's done and now I move on...

On a good note, once I got over the sickness, I was back on track Monday morning. I've said it before and I'll reiterate, life will constantly be full of challenges, it's up to me how to deal with them. I will sometimes fail when it comes to food choices, but the most important part is getting back on track.

I will allow myself a bad meal once in a while, once the optifast routine is over, I just can't escalate.  I won't turn into two meals, then three, then a full days worth. Those days are over!

I stepped on my scales this morning, and I'm happy to report that I've made it into the 240's. Good riddance 250! You were always so hard to achieve, I'd get to 254, 256....then go back up. 250 was always my goal, since that's the weight limit for zip lining, something I've always wanted to do but couldn't because of my weight. watch out Humber valley Newfoundland, I'll be zip lining this year, you know it!

Happy Halloween folks! Wow, can't say I've ever celebrated a Halloween without the far so good!

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